This study found that the median CPT
This study found that the median CPT over time showed a greater decrease in the control group than the Senexin A group. While both groups were given ranibizumab injections at baseline and week 4, the gene therapy group patients received a core vitrectomy, associated with subretinal gene therapy, at day 7. This may have removed any remaining active ranibizumab from the first intravitreal injection, thus leading to a smaller initial response in the gene therapy group. In most studies (CATT Research Group et al., 2011; Lalwani et al., 2009), the greatest decreases in CPT occurred in the Polyploid first 2 months of the study.
Conflict of Interest
Role of Funding Sources
Funding Sources: National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (AP1010405), Lions Eye Institute, Perth Australia, Avalanche Biotechnologies, Menlo Pk, CA, USA. Avalanche Biotechnologies had no role in the design but participated in the data management and data analysis of the manuscript. The other two funding agencies contribution was only financial.
Authors Contribution